Friday, October 23, 2020

I exercise my freedom to choose the right action.
The power to change is a light that shines within.
My good flows to me in an ever-increasing stream.
I fully accept where I am and seize the opportunity.
  And so it is!  

Thursday, October 22, 2020

 I am more abundant as I claim my share.

I see that which no longer serves me with love.
I accept that some things are out of my control.
I refuse to believe the lie that I am stuck forever.
  And so it is! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I allow only positive thoughts power.
I am now on the royal road of Happiness.
I reject isolation, detachment and darkness.
I invite the light, and feed it with all my might.
  And so it is!  

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Abundance surrounds me.

I make small steps toward big goals.
I search for wisdom and truth to guide me.
My voice is just as important as anyone else’s.
  And so it is!

Monday, October 19, 2020

 I live life abundantly.

I am worthy of good health.

I reject distortion and manipulation.

I change from disbelief to new possibilities.

  And so it is!