Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spring is Here

A lovely quotation from Chief Sitting Bull on spring.
  “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!"

Robin Williams on Spring.  "Springtime is Mother Nature’s way of saying let’s party!"

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Message from Rita's Room
So the truth will be spoken, challenging us all to be authentic and in right use of our power; the thoughts we think, the words we speak.  Not explode with reactivity if life doesn’t go according to our best laid plans but instead surrender to the unknowable plans of the Great Mystery. Challenging us to feel our darker emotions and transform by facing some uncomfortable facts.  Also, the Chinese Lunar New Year is the first new moon of spring and is celebrated the world over.  The Year of the Golden Pig, represents expansion, luck and abundance to those who are patient, honest and reliable. This influence gifts us grace, kind-heartedness and a willingness to work with others.

 Fully Accepting Self

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From subscribers
Love and Gratitude

I just wanted to thank you for what you create.
Thank you for your example.
Thank you for creating without selfish desires in your example.
Thank you for including me and the rest of the world in your intention for peace and love on this planet.

A few years ago “R” was diagnosed with a tumor, had surgery, and then went through a healing journey. I was able to help him find direction, sharing many of the things that you shared with me. Today, “R” is helping others on their healing journeys, traveling to 50 states, and playing music in hospitals in each state.
Lovely, isn't it? ☺️

I save many of your affirmation/meditations...
This one hits the core so simply and smilingly.
Love, Rita

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